Robusto digs Reality

Yeah, its fun.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Welcome to the digital mudslinging era. In this joyous era, one can take out one's frustration on replicas of the public leaders who fail our litmus test for taking responsibility for their actions. The only real reason I don't enjoy this website as much as I could is because I start thinking about how much I am like Bush: I don't really let myself work too hard, I don't make many sacrifices for my ideals. I am constantly thinking about how much I am like Bush in that i take regular vacations and am unwilling to do menial labor just because my family members say that I should to "get my feet wet". I am always wondering "wet with what?" Either way, the big difference between Bush and me is that while he is trapped/hiding in an oppressively religious/ socially darwinistic social circle, I am much freer. I am living the life I have chosen, taking a few of the consequences and aware that there are more to come. I don't know what Bush is aware of, but I can tell you this. From the way he behaves, he isn't very interested in actually becoming the decision maker in his life, and I couldn't live with myself if I weren't at least trying to be that person in my life. Even if I were a cripled person who couldn't speak or eat, I would try and liberate myself. If not physically, then mentally.

Perhaps that is what is so existentially communicated by the above website. Bush is a person who has learned how not to be crushed by the many blows that his position is subject to. In fact, his administration has helped him take as few lumps in life as possible. Every time he gets hit, he bounces away, usually babbling a few words, and looks for a hiding place. When people say Bush is stupid, I am very concerned because he lives by a principle that people in this country, especialy the well-educated, tend to hold higher than booksmarts: protect ya neck.

Parents, this is why kids listen to hip-hop: better advice for the world of competitive freakonomics. In this society, the media is the best sort of parent for kids not at the top of the social hierarchy, because, as Marshall McLuhan said - media is a numbing agent. Numbness is a fine option in lieu of parents who can't or don't protect their children, ease their pain, or help them recognze that there in the painful world there are some great things worth getting to on your own, with your own will still intact.

If you enjoy lifting digi-Bush and flinging him away like a damp rag (as you can do at the above link by clicking and dragging), I urge you to consider one thing: if we don't find a way to keep this country a fun and exciting place, then we are going to have one more bush-like president after another. Because while we are cyber-beating digi-Bush, he is out there perhaps in the oval office, going about his degenerate business. So go dig reality.



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