Robusto digs Reality

Yeah, its fun.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Now I will write straightforward

Blogging is so fun. I love it. Its like writing in a really personal way, only you invite the reader to get distracted.

Go ahead, follow my link.

I dare ya.

The truth is that there is a lot of garbage out there on the web. In order to survive as a webber, you have to be part spider. If you are any part fly, you will be sucked of your life, by way of debilitating computer viruses, identity snipers and other nerve-inducing anonymous entities.

I don't know what's going to happen in terms of net neutrality. It seems pretty obvious that, despite the democrat-run senate, we are looking at a culture that is driving head-on into "private-sector" politics. This is seen by many to be a good thing. Certainly, corporations have the power to do a lot that public interest groups, governments, and private citizens don't. But, of course, corporations are only after profits. Does this not bother a lot of people in a serious way?

It ought to bother a lot of people. After all, profits don't leave much space for anything that isn't predetermined. So, if you like independence, you had better fight for net neutrality, otherwise doing things your own way will most likely be really annoying.

On an entirely different note: Donald Sutherland is advocating for McDonald's House Charities on an ad for Grey's Anatomy. Why do the celebrities hop on board for corporate sponsorships? john Goodman does Dunkin' Donuts. Sylvester Stallone does... pretty much whatever he can get. Same with Christian Slater... Its almost as though these celebrities don't have any sense of commercial perspective. I mean, if you start doing shit, who's to say that you'll get too many opportunities to do quality in the future. More to the point, they might not recognize it when it comes.

Actually, its not an entirely different note. Charity is now done through the biggest corporations; "Good" media is sponsored by the biggest corporations; pretty much, if you want to have a good time in this world, you either have to set your own standards or you have to cope with a blast of commercial enterprise every now and again.

You know the whole commercial thing wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't care about all the poor people who are totally disenfranchised, and the environment that is being more and more systematically mined of everything in it to feed consumer culture's drive for profits and consumers' drive to fill that aching hole in their souls. Most of America has given up on finding a solution to this conundrum, figuring that our best bet is on watching to see corporations' "self-interest" turn to protecting the world.

The clock is just going to tick and tick and tick...

In the meantime, have you heard about sustainability(academic studies)? Or what about sustainability (NGO)? There's also sustainability (environmental justice)? Did I mention sustainability (yippie sustainability haven)?

Once people are done calling me names, let's start working on a culture that heads us towards a future that we all want to live in.